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Under the watchful eye of the owner, leaves a long day still very calm, calmly said: The reason is very simple. Babel circles ( circles tree just some people call, Ye Meng Xiang Mulberry Cases long days to tell the actual name is called Babel circles ) in the provisions of a convention on Mishina not intervene in sectarian sectarian Mishina, not to intervene in sectarian Mishina under Mishina sectarian, not to mention the five elements as a product of eight items were to intervene in cases of small five elements, that is absolutely not allowed. Once a violation of the rules, do not look at the five elements were ranked one product, but the consequences were not a bear got the five elements.

Meng Young, Babel community do not know how many years of existence, there are just countless hidden secrets. Perhaps in the eyes of the general NBA Cases Five cases have been standing on the peak, but some have a heritage of martial know that a product called sectarian only real strength of Babel circles on the water emerges tip of the iceberg. So, Meng Young, NBA Cases go experience must be careful in the future when some people do not easily offended, maybe he and one hidden in the giant underwater relationship, then it may not be able to be sustained sectarian NBA Cases.

