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Charles proudly explained : Just two curse, is derived from the Tucker family treasure trove. A curse called gravity, another anti-gravity curse. Dracula comb just in the air by the wind messy hair, very puzzled and asked: you learn these two curse, why bring it MLB Cases and Aya force to do the experiment ? Then he fled like a back room. Dracula shook his head, laughed a little and said: This kid, Monster Cases not any ready scolded him, Why run so fast. Month passed quickly.

But I do not know how it is, Weili Ya seems to be addicted like every day ugg tease Charles several times. Every time you want to get angry when Charles was so angry when she put the poor, hid behind the crowd. Threat in the eyes of the crowd, Charles had to put life and breath Yanhui stomach go. This time, Wei Liya and gracious as Moncler Cases massage, stop apologizing. Let Monster Cases dumbfounding, still do not have the heart to punch her ​​angry. Monster Cases Do not realize that sincecame, Monster Cases it seems to put the heart of mythical forgot all.

To sleep at night, he also used the skull to his room once mine. This morning, Charles and as usual behind the skull, gingerly walked the hall. Everyone saw his carefully look, could not help but laugh. Charles saw nothing trap, walked around the table to sit at ease, in all seriousness, said: What's so funny, if Monster Cases is eyeing the little witch, maybe cautious than Monster Cases it. Avril children white at him, said: Weili Ya How can you say that bad.

